Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prayer Update and Excitement!

Update on my grandma: We are so glad we moved her! Her primary care physician is always really good to work with. He has gotten her pain medication under control as they were over medicating her at the previous place to the point that she couldn’t even tell me what was on TV right in front of her. She looks better and is more alert, and she’s getting 2-3 hours of therapy a day between speech, physical, and occupational. We did get a scare on Sunday as she was bleeding, and we were not sure if it was hemorrhoids or internal bleeding. The doctor and nurses were concerned that it was internal bleeding and planned on doing a hospital transport; however, Praise be to Yah, the nurse was able after continuing to work with Nana (my grandma) to get the bleeding under control. They are continuing to watch her closely, and we all know WHO really got the bleeding under control. :) Please continue to pray. Also, on top of this, my Gaga (grandfather) has bronchitus! Please pray for him.

The highlight of this past week was going live on the websites for Eddie Chumney of Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l. We had been working on them for about a year now and were thrilled to finish them. You can see the video of us "going live" on Shabbat at http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/4871477. We redid his current site (http://www.hebroots.com/ and http://www.hebroots.org/), added a blog site about the 5 Minute Update (http://www.watchmanofzion.com/), added his personal site about his travel and speaking (http://www.eddiechumney.com/), started video streaming our services, and got him on Facebook and Twitter. People were shocked. This is the guy who hadn’t updated his website since 1998 and didn’t answer e-mails! :) So it was really neat to bring him up to date. Plus Eddie is so much fun to work with!

Work has been going well. This past week was a lot of changes, but overall, I'm really excited about the direction Money Map Coaching is headed. We are getting a few new systems in place which has taken a lot of my attention, but the results of volunteers being able to serve more people is well worth it.

I also had a meeting about doing a couple's wedding cake. I really enjoy teaching as well as doing cakes, so I always enjoy helping a couple dream for their wedding and see their dreams fulfilled.

I'll close with a couple of pictures from going live this weekend.

Eddie teaching on video now!
Two happy campers!

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