Friday, February 24, 2012

My week...

I'm glad to be back to myself and rid of my cold. I've been able to get a lot done this week so far...working on my first ministry video to be put up on YouTube next off my computer in order for it to be sent off for repairs...maintaining Commandment Keepers...writing on my book...helping at time...and so much more.

I've also really been enjoying being back into Scrapbooking. I've gotten my entire trip to Israel scrapbooked and journaled. That was 72 pages (times front and back making it a total of 144 sides) in two separate scrapbooks. Wow! But I'm so happy to have it done and really like how it turned out.

I also got all of our family's bakery recipes typed up, organized, and printed. They are all now in one notebook instead of scattered among various recipe cards and books to always have to be searched out. This will make our life much easier!

So now off to help make soup for lunch that will also be for Shabbat and other Shabbat preparations.

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